The library is fully open this year, so we will be able to use print books as well as online resources this year for students’ information and research needs. However, with our focus on DEI issues in our curriculum, we face some serious limitations in existing print books, standard research databases and online information, especially in the younger grades.
Please involve the library in your social studies and other curriculum conversations from the beginning: if we work together to check on resource availability while planning, rather than waiting until everything is already mapped out, we will be more successful in finding and creating resources that are appropriate for your needs.
Please email one or more of us librarians, and we can set up a time to talk individually or in a small(ish) group.
Research resources for students are shown by grade on the front page of this website.
Print books can be found at
For log-in information for online resources, click on the Home button at the top of this page. The drop-down shows Log-In Passwords for Databases: click on it.
You will need to enter a generic password to get access to the Log-In Passwords page: ecfs. Follow the log-in instructions for the database you want.
You can log into many databases using your school google login.
Email Sue (see email address below) if you have problems with accessing or using the databases.