The library is open for full scheduled classes. Parents are welcome every morning between 8:30 and 8:50.
In addition to scheduled library classes, students are also able to come to the library to check out books between 8:30 and 9:00 am every day, as well as at other times shared with the classroom teachers.
The library is open after dismissal until 4:00pm Monday through Thursday, and until 3:30pm on Fridays.
Students in Grades 4 and 5 may come to the library to do homework or read quietly after school until 4:00pm, Monday through Thursday.
All other students must be accompanied by an adult when visiting the library after school.
Students are able to borrow up to five items at a time. One of these may be an audiobook. Books are checked out for a single 6-day cycle, so a book that is checked out on a C day, for example, will be due the following C day.
Remember that we still offer digital books and other resources. Go to the page for your child’s grade on this site to find links to recommended resources.
Librarians: Nicole Sterling is the PreK-Grade 2 Librarian; Jenn Still is the Grades 3-5 Librarian; Sue Giffard is the Online Resources Librarian, and Will Strand is the Library Assistant. Our email addresses are at the bottom of the page.